Ethics Policy

This policy is intended to reflect the Christian duty to love God and love one’s neighbor as oneself, and to promote ethical behavior and responsible decision-making among students and faculty. It covers topics such as diversity, respect for others, conflicts of interest, compliance with laws, and compliance with school policies.


  1. To reflect the Christian duty to to love God and love one’s neighbor as one’s self (Matthew 22:37–40).
  2. To promote ethical behavior and responsible decision making among students and faculty.
  3. To create a safe and inclusive learning environment for all members of the School community.
  4. To uphold the values and standards of the School, and to protect the School’s reputation and mission.


  1. This policy applies to all students engaged in an active program of study, both when classes are in session and out of session, until the student is no longer enrolled with the School.
  2. This policy applies to all persons engaged in a contractual relationship with the School, regardless of their particular employment status (W2, 1099, voluntary), particularly as support staff, faculty, instructors, or board members.

Ethics and Conduct

  1. Diversity
    1. The School believes that humans are created in the Image of God and that God has invited humans of all ethnicities and backgrounds to join him around his heavenly throne (Rev 7:9). Furthermore, within the body of Christ diversity is prized: “God has placed the parts in the body, every one of them, just as he wanted them to be. If they were all one part, where would the body be?” (1 Cor 12:18-19). For this reason, the School promotes diversity, inclusion, and respect.
    2. In a God-honoring educational community which has as its end the training of the next generation of Christian ministers, diversity and inclusion are an important means to developing such a community in a healthy way. The School encourages diversity amongst its students, faculty, and staff in order to promote the unity of the bonds of peace (Eph 4:3).
    3. The School promotes diversity of thought and expression as expressed in the Omaha School of Ministry Freedom of Expression Policy.
    4. The School admits qualified applicants regardless of sex, race, color, national origin, or disability who are personally committed to faith in Jesus Christ.
  2. Respect for Others
    1. Students (2.A) and members of the School (2.B) are expected to treat each other with respect and dignity.
    2. Discrimination and harassment of any kind will not be tolerated.
    3. Students (2.A) and members of the School (2.B) should be mindful of the impact of their words and actions on others, and should strive to create a welcoming and inclusive environment.
    4. Disrespectful behavior, including but not limited to bullying, name-calling, and offensive language, will not be tolerated.
    5. Students (2.A) and members of the School (2.B) are encouraged to speak up if they witness disrespectful behavior, and to report incidents to the appropriate authorities.
    6. Students (2.A) and members of the School (2.B) should be open to hearing and considering different perspectives, and should strive to engage in respectful dialogue and debate.

Conflicts of Interest

  1. Students (2.A) and members of the School (2.B) should avoid conflicts of interest to foster a healthy, ethical community of learning.
  2. Students and members of the School are bound by the Omaha School of Ministry Conflict of Interest Policy.

Compliance with Laws

  1. Compliance with laws, rules and regulations governing the School is both a legal and an ethical mandate.
  2. Risks associated with non-compliance include loss of reputation, financial penalties and impact on funding, loss of accreditation and potential criminal prosecutions.
  3. Therefore, the School complies with all state and federal laws and in order to conform to the highest standards of professional conduct.
  4. Students (2.A) and members of the School (2.B) are similarly expected to comply with all state and federal laws and to consult with the President or Board when questions of legality arise.

Compliance with School Policies

  1. Students (2.A) are expected to comply with all rules, regulations, and policies for which they are an applicable party, including:
    1. Policies listed in the Omaha School of Ministry Student Handbook.
    2. Policies listed in the current course catalog.
    3. Policies listed on approved course syllabi.
  2. The terms agreed upon in any signed covenants, agreements, or handbooks associated with their acceptance into the program.
  3. Members of the School (2.B) are expected to comply with all rules, regulations, and policies for which they are an applicable party, including:
    1. Policies listed in the current course catalog.
    2. Policies listed in the Omaha School of Ministry Employee and Faculty Handbook.
  4. The terms agreed upon in any signed covenants, agreements, or handbooks associated with their employment or their assumption of a voluntarily held seat.

Confidential Information

  1. Persons described under 2.B are required to safeguard any confidential information entrusted to them. Except as required to perform their role duties, they are not granted access to any confidential information, nor should they disclose such information to anyone outside the School.
  2. Confidential information includes, but is not limited to, the following items.
  3. All personal or academic information related to students and their families.
  4. Information regarding business operations such as partnerships, nonpublic financial information, and pending programs and proposed offerings.
  5. The unauthorized use, access, or disclosure of confidential information is grounds for immediate termination of an employment agreement or a stripping of duties in the case of a voluntarily held position.
  6. This policy does not alter the rights of nonsupervisory employees to discuss the terms and conditions of their employment or other rights under the National Labor Relations Act.
  7. Students (as described in 2.A) are expected to handle confidential information in a manner keeping with this section.
  8. Students must also abide by any and all confidentiality agreements described by the ministry partnership organization.

Stewarding Resources

  1. Students (2.A) and members of the School (2.B) are responsible for the stewardship of School resources, including equipment, facilities, and financial assets.
  2. Use of School resources should be limited to activities that support the mission and goals of the School.
  3. Students (2.A) and members of the School (2.B) should use university resources in a manner that is consistent with ethical principles and the law.
  4. Students (2.A) and members of the School (2.B) are expected to be responsible for their own actions and the consequences of those actions when using School resources.
  5. The School reserves the right to audit the use of its resources and to take appropriate action to ensure their proper use.

Failure to Comply

  1. Failure to comply with the ethics and conduct policy described in section 3 may result in disciplinary action in accordance with the applicable handbook of the person.
  2. Students (2.A) will be disciplined in accordance with the discipline policy outlined in the Omaha School of Ministry Student Handbook, and in serious cases may be dismissed from the program on the basis of the Omaha School of Ministry Dismissal Policy.
  3. Members of the School (2.B) will be disciplined in accordance with the discipline policy outlined in Omaha School of Ministry Employee and Faculty Handbook, up to and including termination or severing of voluntary relationships.

Reporting Guidelines

  1. Self-reporting with an aim towards personal and relational restoration is always seen as the first ideal and will often be met with grace where the law allows.
  2. Any violations of these policies should be reported to the President in person or in writing.
  3. Reports can be made anonymously, but providing contact information may be helpful in conducting an investigation.
  4. The School will take appropriate disciplinary action against individuals who fail to comply with ethics and conduct policies, as outlined in section 4.
  5. The School will protect the privacy of individuals involved in a report, to the extent allowed by law.
  6. The School will conduct investigations into reports of violations of ethics and conduct policies in a fair and timely manner.