Doctrinal Statement

Omaha School of Ministry is a charismatic, Evangelical, interdenominational post-secondary institution which is aimed at producing and equipping well-trained, highly-qualified ministers to expand the Kingdom of God.

As an interdenominational school, we hold to a set of essential doctrines which are held in unity among nearly all Christians.

  1. The Bible is the inspired word of God, and is authoritative and trustworthy—the final word on all matters of doctrine and practice.
  2. The Bible is a unified story that leads to Jesus.
  3. The Christian faith is Trinitarian, as best expressed historically in both the Nicene and Athanasian Creeds.
  4. The Christian faith is Chalcedonian in expression, affirming the fully-God/fully-man nature of Christ, and necessarily his virgin birth and conception by the Holy Spirit.
  5. The Holy Spirit continues to move and give gifts to the Church.
  6. Humans were created with a sexual-binary of either male or female, and the faithful expression of sexual intimacy is between two humans of opposite sexes within the confines of covenantal marriage.